Order your books here!

Order your books here!

Literature lists for academic year 2024-2025 semester 2 are online at www.wo4you.nl!

Why should you order study books with Magister JFT member discount?

With us, you can be sure that you will always order the right books for the upcoming semster! This is because the book lists have been compiled by Magister JFT in collaboration with Tilburg Law School lecturers!

All members of Magister JFT can order textbooks at a discount. You always order your textbooks with us at maximum discount! On international books, you will receive a 16% discount! On Dutch books, you will receive the maximum allowed discount of 10% during the collective order periods and the maximum allowed discount of 5%* outside these periods!

Note: To be entitled to the Magister JFT member discount, you must first become a member. You can do so on this page! Membership of Magister JFT costs 15 euros per year. Moreover, if you become a member of Magister JFT, you will also get a 20% discount on your summaries and exam training courses at Lawbooks and TentamenTrainingen.nl, and you can participate in all social and professional activities of the association!

New book partner!

From academic year 2023-2024, Magister JFT will work together with a new book partner: WO4YOU! With its small-scale approach and good cooperation, WO4YOU will ensure that you get the right books, with the highest possible discount, on time. For questions about your order, please contact WO4YOU.

Discount Dutch books
For Dutch books there is a fixed price by law. For study books there is an exception. Students who order during a collective order period receive a maximum 10% discount on the fixed price for study books because the study association can order collectively on their behalf. Outside these ordering periods, you can still order your books online, but in that case you will receive a maximum 5% discount on Dutch books (when simultaneously ordering at least 2 different Dutch books). For international books, there is no legislation and you will always receive the maximum discount from the study association!

  • Passe-Partout Lustrum Juribes

    in progress until 21 March

    • Lustrum
    • Juribes
    • Social
    • Career
  • Magister JFT | Juribes Lustrum: Formele Dagexcursie

    10 March 10:00 AM until 6:00 PM


    • Lustrum
    • Juribes
    • Career
    • Study
  • MastersNight

    12 March 6:00 PM until 8:00 PM

    CUBE z215

    • Global Law
    • Study
  • Centurion Chic

    12 March 8:30 PM until 11:00 PM

    Café Bet Kolen

    • Justitia
    • Social
  • Monthly Drink March

    13 March 10:00 PM until 11:59 PM

    Café Brandpunt

    • Magister JFT Central
    • Social
  • International Criminal Court visit

    17 March 12:00 PM until 4:30 PM

    The Hague

    • Global Law
    • Justitia
    • Career
    • Study
