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Get your summaries for Dutch Law here!

Lawbooks is the initiative of a group of motivated lawyers who saw room for improvement. We focus entirely on the production of study support materials for Dutch Law. Due to this unique specialization you are always guaranteed the best quality and you will be optimally prepared for the exams.

Lawbooks has been writing summaries for the university law course for 9 years and has started to offer its study aids digitally since 2022! From now on you can study on demand with Lawbooks: with you will get weekly access to premium study aids, including summaries of the prescribed literature, extensive analyses of judgments, representative practice questions, handy step-by-step plans and, in the case of difficult subjects, even video tutorials in which the doctrine is explained to you step by step. 


As member, you will receive a unique 50% member discount-code every semester! 

Do you really want to be able to study anywhere, anytime?

As from September 2022 you can also use the Lawbooks App! You will find the app in the Appstore and Google Play Store. Of course you will still receive our summaries on paper, as you are used to. We have also compiled special playlists on Spotify for during and after your studies! After all, your student life consists of more than just sitting with your nose in the books.

With we set the standard for once and for all when it comes to study aid for the university law student.

At Lawbooks you will find the most extensive and complete study aid; we really go for the total experience. Together we are going to pass the bachelor.

  • Passe-Partout Lustrum Juribes

    in progress until 21 March

    • Lustrum
    • Juribes
    • Social
    • Career
  • Magister JFT | Juribes Lustrum: Formele Dagexcursie

    10 March 10:00 AM until 6:00 PM


    • Lustrum
    • Juribes
    • Career
    • Study
  • MastersNight

    12 March 6:00 PM until 8:00 PM

    CUBE z215

    • Global Law
    • Study
  • Centurion Chic

    12 March 8:30 PM until 11:00 PM

    Café Bet Kolen

    • Justitia
    • Social
  • Monthly Drink March

    13 March 10:00 PM until 11:59 PM

    Café Brandpunt

    • Magister JFT Central
    • Social
  • International Criminal Court visit

    17 March 12:00 PM until 4:30 PM

    The Hague

    • Global Law
    • Justitia
    • Career
    • Study
