Note: all activities of Magister JFT | DiCiT are in Dutch

Magister JFT | DiCiT is the pleading association of Magister JFT. It is the place to be to gain experience in the field of pleading together with your fellow students. DiCiT organizes different events. Every month there is a moot court where we plead a case against each other in teams. These cases are very diverse and we alternate between different fields of law. For example, a private law case, or a criminal law case. However, we always try to focus on the pleading skills, so that students from every year can get something out of our pleading evenings.

Besides pleading sessions, DiCiT regularly participates in national pleading competitions. Throughout the country DiCiT represents Tilburg University and Magister JFT. The members of DiCiT can register for each contest. A great opportunity to represent your university and at the same time measure yourself against the rest of the pleading country. Together with other participants and the DiCiT board, the competitions are discussed and you practice with each other beforehand. In this way, you will always be well prepared. Enough opportunities to learn a lot about pleading, together with your fellow students.

After all the serious work, there is of course always time to conclude the educational experiences with a drink! DiCiT is, of course, in the first place a pleading association, but it is also a pleasant group of students who together experience many fun and educational things!

Besides these pleading nights Magister JFT | DiCiT also organizes two informal events throughout the year, in 2024-2025 these events will be the Escaperoom Pleading Night and 'Pizza Pils Pleiten'.

For questions or further information you can mail to the e-mail address of DiCiT. 

  • Passe-Partout Lustrum Juribes

    in progress until 21 March

    • Lustrum
    • Juribes
    • Social
    • Career
  • Magister JFT | Juribes Lustrum: Formele Dagexcursie

    10 March 10:00 AM until 6:00 PM


    • Lustrum
    • Juribes
    • Career
    • Study
  • MastersNight

    12 March 6:00 PM until 8:00 PM

    CUBE z215

    • Global Law
    • Study
  • Centurion Chic

    12 March 8:30 PM until 11:00 PM

    Café Bet Kolen

    • Justitia
    • Social
  • Monthly Drink March

    13 March 10:00 PM until 11:59 PM

    Café Brandpunt

    • Magister JFT Central
    • Social
  • International Criminal Court visit

    17 March 12:00 PM until 4:30 PM

    The Hague

    • Global Law
    • Justitia
    • Career
    • Study
