

Magister JFT | Justitia is the Chamber for all Law and Business Law students at Tilburg Law School. It offers both formal and informal activities, allowing students to develop both substantively and socially during their studies. These activities are organised by committee members in cooperation with the board, in order to achieve a wide range of social and substantive activities. 


The Chamber came into existence in the academic year 2021-2022 as a result of the merger between the chambers Magister JFT | Livius and Magister JFT | AD REM. The name Justitia comes from Lady Justitia. She represents the law by means of a sword and scales, which stand for the passing of a verdict and the weighing of the facts. They were known for offering the students connected to Tilburg Law School an opportunity to explore the labour market and to deepen and broaden their knowledge of both the legal fields taught at TLS and those not covered. This was done by means of lectures, office visits and master classes. Magister JFT | Justitia also organises social activities in addition to the study content and labour market orientation. 


Magister JFT | Justitia will consist of a board and four committees. Jong Justitia is made up of first-year law students who organise social activities. Publico is the public law committee for senior law students that will organise activities related to public law. Privatico is the committee which, as the name suggests, organises activities concerning private law. Finally, there is the career committee, which is responsible for office visits, master classes and other labour market oriented activities. 


Would you like to attend a lecture or office visit? Keep an eye on the Facebook page of Magister JFT for upcoming activities. Are you interested in organising a study-related activity with which you can expand your network? Please send an e-mail to justitia@magisterjft.nl or contact one of our board members. We hope to see you at a lecture or other activity!

  • Pleitavond Magister JFT | DiCiT

    04 February 6:45 PM until 9:00 PM

    CUBE z15-17

    • Magister JFT Central
    • DiCiT
    • Study
  • Magister JFT | Juribes Spelletjesavond

    05 February 8:30 PM until 11:30 PM

    Vos en de Craen

    • Social
    • Juribes
  • Monthly Drink February

    06 February 10:00 PM until 11:59 PM

    Café Brandpunt

    • Magister JFT Central
    • Social
  • Het Politiek Parcours

    10 February 8:00 PM until 11:00 PM

    Vos en de Craen

    • Juribes
    • Study
  • Boards Interest Lunch

    11 February 12:00 PM until 3:00 PM

    Cultuurtuin Esplanade Building

    • Magister JFT Central
  • Halfjaarlijkse Openbare Vergadering Magister JFT | Justitia

    11 February 7:00 PM until 10:00 PM

    CUBEz 216

    • Justitia
