

Academic Committee

The main goal of the Academic Committee is to assist Global Law students with their studies, either with courses they are following or with broadening their knowledge of relevant topics. Additionally, the committee aims to help students develop their academic skills such as gaining confidence in mooting, writing convincing essays and studying effectively in general. The events the committee organises range from study clinics and workshops to moot courts. The Academic Committee believes that there is a lot to learn from others so you will often see them doing collaborations with other committees within Magister JFT, but also with institutions outside of the association. Are you interested in joining us and would like to know more about the possibilities? Or do you want to hear about our upcoming events? Feel free to email us at!

Career Committee

The Career Committee has (unofficially) been called the ‘most serious’ committee that the Global Law Chamber has. And not always without good reason. The Career Committee is there to support Global Law students in starting their career in any way possible. This means that we focus on things such as creating a perfect LinkedIn profile, writing a persuasive cover letter and having an attractive resume and many other soft skills. Events that we organise are AlumNight, Masters Night, (virtual) office visits, recruitment activities and soft skill workshops.Throughout all of this we are motivated by the question ‘what makes a Global Law student different from other law students?’. The committee realises that Global Law students have a unique skill set, but oftentimes are uncertain about how to convey that to future employers. Moreover, this particular bachelors often has uncommon career paths, and it is easy for students to feel lost because of this. This is where we come in and try to help! Interested in joining an event or do you maybe even have an opportunity for us? Email the committee at!

Editorial Committee

The Editorial Committee of Magister JFT | Global Law is in charge of creating the Global Law Editorial. This editorial includes high standard articles on various topics interesting to the Global Law student, these articles consist of contributions from both students and lecturers. The Editorial is a reflection of the creativity and intellectuality of Global Law students combined. Do you have any ideas that you think should be included in our next issue? Or do you want to read the latest Editorial? Email us at!

Excursion Committee

The Excursion Committee is the newest committee within the Global Law chamber as it will take effect in the 2022-2023 academic year. Within this committee, members can organise excursions that are of relevance and interest to Global Law students. These trips include a visit to ICC, EU institutions, Europol, various NGOs, law firms and many more! Hence, this committee is a great opportunity for students who like to organise day trips and combine both career- and academic-related aspects, as well as gaining more experience in planning these kinds of outings! Do you enjoy trips, and would you like to join the committee? Email at!

Human Rights Committee

As Global Law students we naturally are concerned with the topic of Human Rights and their application worldwide. The Committee consists of passionate students who value human rights and commit themselves to causes that help those who are not able to enjoy these fundamental rights. Therefore, the committee organises both educational events, such as guest lectures and workshops, but also more practical ones, like raising awareness for specific causes. Would you like to join one of our events or do you have any ideas for which we should raise awareness? Feel free to send us an email at!

Introduction Committee

The Introduction Committee is responsible for organising all social events of Magister JFT | Global Law. This makes us the most informal committee! We believe that there should be a healthy balance between studying and enjoying student life and we aim to facilitate that. The committee consists of motivated students, who are passionate about organising events for all students who want to unwind, escape their busy study schedule and get to get to know other Global Law students, as well as Tilburg. These events may include fun picnics, theme nights, pub quizzes and parties. If you want to have a good time, definitely join our events! You can always send us an email at!

  • Magister Hoodies

    in progress until 30 December

    • Goodies
  • Magister JFT Beanies

    in progress until 30 January

    • Goodies
  • Magister JFT Gala

    07 May from 9:00 PM until 1:30 AM

    Club Smederij

    • Magister JFT Central
    • Social
  • Monthly Drink May

    09 May 10:00 PM until 11:59 PM


    • Magister JFT Central
    • Social
